乔治·卢卡克斯(Georg Lukacs)是马克思主义文学理论家

匈牙利思想家和美容师Georg Lukacs(1885-1971)在发展中发挥了关键作用西方马克思主义,,,,which refers to a wide variety of Marxist theoreticians based in Western and central Europe. The Western Marxists are in opposition to the doctrines of the苏联,,,,who downplay the primacy of economic analysis, concerning themselves instead with abstract and philosophical areas of Marxism. Lukacs’历史和阶级意识(1923年)提倡与专制苏联模式相比,采取更加人文主义的阶级斗争方法。与许多年龄的苏联思想家不同,他否认了革命的“必然性”,因为他认为革命必须是一个有意识和创造性的过程,而不是教条和强迫性。自然,这太反动了共产党(共产主义国际,一个国际共产主义组织,于1919年在莫斯科成立)接受。因此,卢卡克斯受到了纪律严明的纪律,并被迫提供公众叛逆。

Class consciousness, as described by Lukacs is opposed to any psychological conception of consciousness, which forms the basis of individual or mass psychology. On the contrary, he expounded that each social class has a determined class consciousness which it can achieve. He represents the flexible view of the role of ideology and proposes that a great work of art builds “its own world,” which is unique and seemingly distinct from “everyday reality.” But, to him, the novels of Balzac, Tolstoy, Walter Scott and Thomas Mann had successfully created a fictional world which accords with the Marxist conception of the real world. Lukacs termed this sort of novelistic realism “critical realism.” At the same time, he vehemently rejected the view of major Modernists including Kafka, Brecht, Beckett, Joyce and Faulkner who presented human alienation as an inescapable condition, and for their preoccupation with style and technique, thereby negating everyday reality, individual personality and political action. However, Walter Benjamin,Theodor Adorno and Max Horkheimer complained that Lukacs’ conception of realism was far too narrow. Lukacs related the genre of the novel to the rise of bourgeois culture in Europe. Also, he applied the term “bourgeois epic” to all novels which, in his view, reflect the social reality of their capitalist age on a broad scale; he observed, “the novel is the epic of a world that has been abandoned by God”(小说理论,,,,1920).

可能是卢卡克斯(Lukacs)最具影响力的文学史作品,试图追踪历史小说类型的发展。他认为,在1789年之前,人们对历史的意识相对欠发达,但随之而来的法国大革命和拿破仑战争使人们意识到了人类生存的不断变化,不断发展的特征。Lukacs also adds that Scott’s mode of historical realism was later taken up by Balzac and Tolstoy, and enabled other novelists to depict contemporary social life not as a static drama of fixed, universal types, but rather as a moment of history, constantly changing, open to the potential of revolutionary transformation.





    1. Frankfurt School and Critical Theory – Literary Theory and Criticism Notes
    2. Key Theories of Walter Benjamin – Literary Theory and Criticism Notes
    3. 叙事理论 - 文学理论和批评指出俄罗斯乌克兰比分直播
    4. 恩斯特·布洛克(Ernst Bloch)和乌托邦马克思主义哲学 - 文学理论与批评俄罗斯乌克兰比分直播
    5. Key Theories of Georg Lukacs – Literary Theory and Criticism Notes
    6. Terry Eagleton and Marxist Literary Theory – Literary Theory and Criticism Notes
    7. La Trobe Valley Roadtrip - Bowden档案馆和其他边缘

