
德勒兹和瓜塔里are unusual subjects for the study ofPsychoanalysisbecause their work has attempted to reveal the bourgeois ideology imbedded in the apparent “radicalism” of psychoanalysis. They therefore focus on the institutionalization of psychoanalysis in works like抗奥迪普斯(1977年)和一千个高原(1987年)。德勒兹和瓜塔里的关注和目标可以总结如下:



(C)To expose the psychoanalytic “situating” of discourse within the oppressive constraints of the Oedipal narrative.

Their arguments may be summed up thus.

(1)德勒兹和瓜塔里reject the idea of repression and castration as blanket conceptions.They argue that the castration idea (castration is the threat which is supposed to inform the unconscious) implies that there is only one sex—the masculine, in relation to which the woman is defined as the lack.

(2)In contrast to this磨牙concept of repression and castration, they suggest a “molecular” model of the unconscious, where the unconscious knows nothing about castration. Castration for them is an ideological construct; it is not a unifying concept.

(3)The unconscious, for Deleuze and Guattari, produce multiplicities and flows with (in their famous definition) “n sexes . . a hundred thousand.” This leads them to argue that even forFreudthe unconscious was associated with staticrepresentation而不是production神话,悲剧和梦想。这意味着最后,无意识与西方文明的家庭和其他意识形态结构有关。

(4)Oedipus is not to be perceived as merely an ideological interpretation of psychological functions. For Deleuze and Guattari, Oedipus is the very hegemonic and限制西方文化体系。因此,他们提出了一个post-Oedipal世界。如果没有“生殖器经济”,这将是世界没有器官的身体”(bwo),充满流和过量。而不是所有西方文化的二分法模型(在知识,生命,遗传的树模型中象征。树木对二分法进行了分裂,暗示了二进制论和线性),他们提出了一个“根茎。”

(5)根茎是A线性的,多重,分布,全部增殖,没有边界中心/边缘或极限。这就是德勒兹(Deleuze)所说的“水平”思想。德勒兹(Deleuze)和瓜塔里(Guattari)拒绝“父亲原则”或奥蒂金(Otigin)的原则,认为个人与集体之间没有区别。传统上,个人一直与欲望和集体与法律联系在一起。Deleuze和Guattari提出了“社会欲望”。这表明欲望总是在运动,始终由不同的要素构成。他们认为,这是机器状的,而不是戏剧(俄狄浦斯表示)。欲望不是缺乏的,这表明是消极的。它的运动和变化状态是肯定的。因此,BWO一直在形成,变形和改革的过程中。 The BWO is itself rhizomatic, which loses a point/channel of desire (deterritorialisation) only to start off along a new path like a rhizome’s, spread (reterritorialisalion).


