
虽然亨利·詹姆斯(1843-1916)是一位美国小说家,但他看到“美国”这个词,因为拥抱了一定的文化开放,或他的话语,“融合和综合世界各种国家趋势”。1的经验underlying James’ creative and critical work was international in scope. During his childhood he had spent some years in Europe; in later life he moved to London, often visiting Italy and France. Some of his best-known novels explore intercultural connections; these include美国人(1877),欧洲人(1878),黛西米勒(1879),一位女士的肖像(1881),大使(1903)和金碗(1904)。他受到欧洲和美国浪漫主义的影响,并熟悉所谓的现实主义者和自然主义作家,如威廉迪恩豪威尔斯古斯塔夫·福楼拜和Émile左拉。他的文学批评观点受到歌德,马修·阿诺德, 和Sainte- Beuve.。从这些作家中,他获得了批判“无私”的想法,他看到历史与哲学之间的调解(他的兄弟是哲学家威廉•詹姆斯),因为批评涉及思想和事实。詹姆斯自己的影响跨越大西洋的两侧,延伸到ezra磅和艾略特等人物。



While James’ central thesis is that the novel must be free, its freedom is first worked out in relation to the kind of novelistic realism on which James insists: “The only reason for the existence of a novel is that it does attempt to represent life . . . as the picture is reality, so the novel is history” (166–167). In attempting to represent life, the novelist’s task is analogous with that of the painter; and in searching for truth, the novelistic art is analogous with philosophy as well as history. This “double analogy,” says James, “is a magnificent heritage” (167).


詹姆斯表示,它同样不确定和不精确地要求小说家从经验写作。像现实一样,经验是一个复杂的概念。经验“永远不会有限,它永远不会完成;这是一种巨大的敏感性,一种巨大的纯蜘蛛悬浮在意识的腔室中。。。这是心灵的氛围“(172)。仅仅一瞥某种情况可以提供一个基于深度洞察力的整个视角。有趣的是,詹姆斯对“经验”的定义读起来像浪漫主义的浪漫学“想象力”的重构一样。詹姆斯说,“从看到的看不见的力量,追踪事物的含义,要判断整个产品的模式,感觉生活的状况如此完全,你很好地了解任何特定的方式 corner of it – this cluster of gifts may almost be said to constitute experience” (172). Whereas, for科莱绣,想象力是一种源于象征主义的权力,统一的一般和特殊的权力,詹姆斯的经验概念作为“礼物”植根于喻中,基本上是从部分判断整体的权力。在词与现实之间不再有一些巨大的象征对应;但是,世界仍被认为足以以连贯的方式读取足够的读取,以便整体能够在任何特定的部分表达中表现出来。现代主义作家将被剥夺甚至被剥夺了这种语音的满意度。事实上,詹姆斯鉴定了这部小说的自由,其潜力是现实的 - 这对他来说可能很好地阅读“转喻” - 通讯:这部小说有一个“巨大,自由的巨大的巨大和生活对应的性格”(179)。尽管现实和经验的复杂性,詹姆斯提醒我们提醒我们的肯定,但“现实的空气(规格的稳定性)似乎是一部小说的最高德 - 这是另一个无助地和快递地依赖于,阿兰特先生的意识地讲述了意识的艺术目的。如果不是那里,他们就是没有“(173)。这里的单词的选择是讲述:所有其他因素,包括任何道德目的,都在实现现实主义的基础上竖立。

由于经验的深刻个人性质,以及其潜在的广度和复杂性,小说家不能被教导如何表达现实。自由詹姆斯的重要组成部分寻求小说家在于自由于实验。表格不是以任何先验的方式实现的;通过现实的经验(169,171),它是经历持续修改的东西。这部小说也必须选择主题和主题:艺术省,詹姆斯说,詹姆斯都是生活,而不仅仅是那些美丽或高贵的元素(178)。在所有艺术中,詹姆斯说,一个人成为“意识到巨大的增加 - 一种自由的启示。。。艺术省都是生命,所有的感觉,所有观察,所有的愿景。。 . it is all experience.” As such, nothing can be forbidden for the novelist, nothing can be out of bounds (177–178). James suggests that the foremost capacity of the novelist must be that of “receiving straight impressions” (178). Fiction must catch “the strange irregular rhythm of life . . . without rearrangement” so that “we feel that we are touching the truth” (177). The implication here seems to be that the novelist accurately records “straight” impressions, without somehow distorting them; yet James also concedes that “Art is essentially selection, but it is a selection whose main care is to be typical, to be inclusive” (177). There seems to be a discrepancy between saying, on the one hand, that the novel records life without distortion, and, on the other hand, acknowledging that this record is inevitably subjective, penned from merely one of “innumerable points of view,” from a perspective which is in fact unique. James’ position might be seen as expressing a precarious balance in the historical transition between classical and modern realism. A vestige of Aristotelian realism persists in James’ view that it is still possible to speak of the “typically” human; and a foreshadowing of modernistic subjectivism is pronounced in his equal acceptance that the novelistic vision must be individual and unique. The two factors appear to be unreconciled in James’ text.

最后,詹姆斯反对附近的声称,小说必须有“有意识的道德目的”;詹姆斯表示,小说应该没有道德和其他义务。他的推理显然很简单:“艺术问题是问题。。。执行;道德问题是另一个事情。“如果艺术有一个目的,那么目的是艺术:它必须瞄准完美(181)。詹姆斯承认道德意识和艺术意识都在一点中非常紧密地依赖,即“艺术品的最深切质量将永远是生产者的质量。比例,因为这个智慧很好,这部小说,图片,雕像,美容和真理的实质。 To be constituted of such elements is, to my vision, to have purpose enough” (181). Again, for all of his insistence on realism, the emphasis is here once more deflected toward subjectivity, to the mind and ability of the novelist: it is this subjectivity that the novel most profoundly expresses. Ironically, just at this point where James’ conception of the novel points toward modernism, in terms of both its subjective grounding and its subordination of morality to aesthetic purpose, he has recourse to the ancient Aristotelian category of substance, and to the Platonic identification of beauty and truth, together with the Platonic notion of “partaking” as the means whereby earthly beauty is realized through invocation of a transcendent realm.





  1. 嗨Kirstin,



    Nasrullah Mambrol在微博上写道:“虽然亨利·詹姆斯(1843-1916)是美国小说家,但他认为“美国”一词包容某种文化的开放性,用他的话说,是“世界各国文化趋势的融合和综合”。1詹姆斯的信条“>”背后的经历

  2. 谢谢你。这是一个出色而非常有用的分析。非常有洞察力。很好地使用示例和引用良好。布拉沃。


  1. 威廉·迪恩霍尔斯小说分析 - 文学理论与批评笔记俄罗斯乌克兰比分直播
  2. 亨利·詹姆斯小说分析——文学理论与批评俄罗斯乌克兰比分直播


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