
莎士比亚不需要被抛弃后现代世界。indeded;后现代世界仍在继续全心全意地拥抱他的作品。Hugh Grady正确地观察“我们现在目睹了通过开发纳入当代的关键范例的关键范例的后现代主义莎士比亚的出现后现代主义者美学”。(第207页)虽然,他以贞洁形式的戏剧并不总是同意现代意识形态,他们证明有利于与邮政现代时代相关的无数讨论。在下面后现代主义,莎士比亚经历了理论化,解构,文本批评,政治和文化批评,澄清了迄今为止未被发现的特征,这些功能被莎士比亚戏剧的后现代主义解释。

When approached in a historical manner, aesthetics provide mediation between Renaissance and the age of post modernity that is not a dismissal of history but a representation or re-interpretation of history.Many social issues of Shakespeare’s plays are still the burning issues in today’s dysfunctional global society. Shakespeare’s plays teach us much about the current postmodern culture and reveal the struggle of the British people both in the early 1600’s and in the late 1900’s with sexism, capitalism and racism.

后现代主义者通过在文学作品中发现后现代主义主题,倾向和态度来探讨莎士比亚和第20届当代文化之间的关系。竞赛问题构成了在莎士比亚,威尼斯温斯特,威尼斯的火灾,威尼斯商人等莎士比亚的比赛中突出的最重要的文学中最重要的主题之一。在威尼斯的两个奥特洛和商人中,有几个实例,其中非白人和非基督教角色被边缘化,并使彻底种族主义的受害者。Racism Laden的描述奥赛罗的描述为“沼地”(1,I,57),“厚嘴唇”(1,i,66),“旧的黑色ram”(1,i,88)和“一匹巴巴里马”“(1,i,113)将他与少于人类的东西。在威尼斯夏洛克的商人被称为“误称,切割喉咙猎犬”和​​安东尼奥甚至敢于“吐在[他的]犹太卡巴德”(1,4,107)。


莎士比亚经常被称为“性别歧视”。尽管女权主义如同我们今天提到的,当今并不是莎士比亚时代的概念,在他的戏剧中可以找到女权主义问题的相似之处。像父权制,性别和性角色一样,在他的比赛中一次又一次地出现.Shakespeare驯悍记被视为性别歧视。很多争议以Petruchio的行为为中心,并且打破凯特精神的意图,如“人们会打破马”,她被“驯服”。但是,许多莎士比亚的女性角色像Cleopatra,Portia,desdemona和麦克白女士被描绘为非常强大和独立的女性。即使是凯特,因为Toril Moi观察到:“拒绝无私,对自己的倡议作用并拒绝父权制为她保留的顺从的角色”(第57页)。在许多方面,她是一个非常“现代的女人 - 也许是第一个”女性的自由主义者“之一。

莎士比亚的终身恰逢现代资本主义的整合,他的戏剧揭示了他对经济学的兴趣和时间的经济学。His Roman-history plays suggest that economic and political systems are not everlasting but only stages in the development of society.The question posed by Shakespeare’s depiction of the decline of feudalism and the fall of Roman civilization is if, late capitalism be succeeded by socialism or barbarism ,by a new Renaissance or a new Dark Age. His plays also offer a critique of the new capitalism by showing the extent to which it can be applied to time. In Henry IV Hal acts as a kind of temporal financier investing time according to sound economic principles in order to redeem it at a high rate of return. In All’s Well That Ends Well Helena teaches the king that the value of time is qualitative rather than quantitative\, thereby transcending capitalism’s assumption that a small amount of time, even if joyful ,cannot be more valuable than a longer time, even if of despair.

莎士比亚的戏剧是用男性 - 粘结,女性朋友和同种异体主义的主题,这构成了后现代文化的一个重要方面。雄性之间的粘合是因为在文艺复兴的着作中,由于父权制社会的结构有一个“义务的亲属性亲属系统”(Sedwick,P.3)建立了“强制性同性恋”。但是,很明显,在你喜欢的亚当和奥兰多之间存在债券。奥兰多渴望带着他和亚当顽固地带走亚当的顽固,加入他,暗示他们之间隐藏在父权制结构中的东西的可能性。

穿着女主角的惯例代表了莎士比亚的时代和他的比赛中的相同性欲吸引力。在你喜欢它Celia and Rosalind’s friendship can be an example of the phenomenon of female friendship.Shannon observes, “The female friendship seems to appear in a specifically social form of female chastity which revises the characteristic masculinity of friendship rhetoric in the period” (p.658). Celia and Rosalind’s relationship appears exceptional to many characters of the play who describe their love as “dearer than the natural bond of sisters” (I,ii,244). Celia’s candid avowal that she “cannot live out of her[Rosalind’s] company” (I,iii,49) goes on to prove that the relationship they shared was much beyond that of friends.

The idea of homoeroticism was quite prevalent in Shakespeare’s writings.There is an evidence of homoeroticism not only in As You Like It and Twelfth Night but in a number of sonnets also.Celia’s speech: “we still have slept together/Rose at an instant ,learned ,eat together/ And went wherever we, like Juno’s swans still we went coupled and inseparable” is so “emotionally and erotically compelling as anything spoken in the hetroerotic moments(Traub,p.257).However, it is difficult to state whether a relationship in Shakespeare is truly erotic or if, it is only the views that our modern society is placing on it.

后现代主义用风格和类型的折衷主义取代了传统价值。莎士比亚’s plays, in their eclecticism and in their often violent abuse of generic stabilities of Renaissance literature can be regarded as postmodern even before postmodernism.Shakespeare’s style borrowed from the conventions of the day but adapted the to tailor his own needs.Many of the comedies of Shakespeare like All’s Well That Ends Well and Measure For Measure have a complicated combination of tragedy and humor defying the generic conventions of contemporary times. Clemens rightly says, “Shakespeare combined the two throughout his career, with Romeo and Juliet perhaps, the best example of the mixing of style”(p.63).

牧师是后现代主义的一个重要特征,它汇集了一流的参考,暗示副本和改变的其他文本版本,以创造一个独特的叙述或对职位现代性的情况发表评论。Luhrmann的William Shakespeare的romeo +朱丽叶是Postmodern Pastiche的一个很好的例子。它是一种虚幻和暗示的策略,在两个历史时期内使用生活的虚幻和典型的策略。通过雇用粉刺作为电影设备,Luhrmann试图通过让他可以到街道清扫者以及英格兰女王来向莎士比亚致敬。同样,对于他着名的山脉“怀疑姐妹”是值得注意的,这是由莎士比亚特别麦克斯特和哈姆雷特的戏剧的启发。

互文性已被视为“后现代主义的商标......后现代主义和互文性这些日子被视为同义词”(Pfister,第209页)。但是,正确地说话,互文性比后现代主义以及大多数是古代以来的仿制,模仿,讽刺,报价和暗示性的。它是文艺复兴的标志,莎士比亚对此并不例外。几个世纪以来,莎士比亚被指控在他盗版短语,甚至整诗的理由上被指控。他也被指控掠夺Boccacio,Plutarch,Marlowe和Green的情节。The following line from Merchant Of Venice “Love is blind”(II,v,35) has been bodily lifted from Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales “Love is blynd” and the title of his play All’s Well That Ends Well (1603-04) has been taken from John Heywood’s proverb “All’s Well That Ends Well”(1546).Likewise ,Shakespeare’s famous description in Antony and Cleopatra of Cleopatra on her royal barge is taken almost verbatim from a translation of Plutarch’s life of Mark Antony.


“有人说,那个季节永远都会出现我们的救主的出生/沿着/ ......如此万圣节,这是那个时间(I,II,166-70)

后现代主义的特征是一种喜欢渗透组件的蜕膜形式,这些形式包含随机性或机会的元素。在莎士比亚的戏剧中,通过所有随机性运行是普罗维登斯的力量和设计。Macbeth凭借随机性根本不存在。存在的是存在的神圣正义的运作,这些正义可能有时突然和直接,有时是狡猾和慢的。因此,“如果机会会让我王/为什么可能会皇冠我”(I,III,48)。在哈姆雷特,机会变成了更大的设计,随机性变成了报应。Polonius隐藏在arras后面,以使自己能够解释一切,永远沉默“你认为在某些危险中太忙了”(四,IV,33)。Similarly, in the end , it is not from Hamlet’s rapier that Claudius dies: “O yet defend me friends I am but hurt”(V, ii ,316 ) but from the poisoned cup he has himself prepared and that he has just tried to have passed to Hamlet : “He is justly served/ It is the poison tempered by himself” (V, ii, 299).


The postmodernist paradigm which provides for the collapse of binary opposites into new fusions is exemplified at its best in Forizel’s paean of love in ‘The Winter’s Tale’ and in ‘Macbeth’, the witches prophesy the collapse of binary oppositions by telling of a world where “Fair is foul and foul is fair” (I , ii ,10).Instead of the modernist quest for me in a chaotic world , the postmodern authors eschew the possibility of meaning.Many famous lines in the Shakespeare canon like ‘To be or not to be’ ( Hamlet,III,i,55)or ‘sound and fury signifying nothing’(Macbeth,V,v,26-28) seem to refer to the fragility and emptiness imbued in life.


3 Moi,Toril,性,文本政治:女权主义文学理论:纽约,Routledge,1984年俄罗斯乌克兰比分直播
4 Pfister,Manfred,后现代是如何互文的?Ed.Henrich F Plett,柏林/纽约:De Gruyter,1991
5 Sedgwick,夏娃,男人之间:英语文学和Male Homo社会欲望,纽约,哥伦比亚大学出版社,1985年
6 Shannon,Laurie,艾米利亚的论点:两个贵族亲属Elh64.3,1997中的友谊和人称
9莎士比亚,威廉,麦克内特,埃德。纽约森林巴纳特:Signit Nal,1963





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