V. S. Naipaul在河里弯曲的分析

河流的一个拐弯处是V. S. Naipaul's(2018年8月17日)的杰出和剥夺遗产,一份杰出的写作职业的摘要声明,记录了约翰·尼克呼吁“当代世界的伟大主题之一 - 其各国人民的混合”。在他的小说,旅游写作和散文中,纳米掘士已经将他的角色作为一个连根拔起的无家可归的全球流浪者报告过去帝国秩序的崩溃和不确定的后殖民未来,寻求支持他2001年诺贝尔奖课程的争论的证据“世界总是在运动中。人们在某种程度上有各处都被贬低了。“他的许多作品都没有更好地表达这个主题河流的一个弯,Naipaul的后殖民收回和修订Joseph Conrad的黑暗的心脏。It is a return to Africa as a symbolic center that cannot hold, where things continue to fall apart, the novel that Naipaul’s biographer, Patrick French, has asserted, “brought together all his experience and the uniqueness of his perspective, a late twentieth-century global narrative that could have been written by no one else.” More than a century after Joseph Conrad and his fictional surrogate Marlow journeyed upriver into the center of Congo to confront the lies of the colonial mission and the paltriness of civilization in the face of an overwhelming wilderness and human evil, Naipaul stages a return visit into the heart of a newly independent African nation by Salim, an Arab-African of Indian descent whose family has lived on the eastern coast of Africa for generations. What Salim discovers about himself and the world as he sets up shop in a partially revolution-ravaged interior town at the bend in the river constitutes Naipaul’s disturbing assessment of the postcolonial experience and modern angst. As Salim observes, “The political system we had known it was coming to an end, and that what was going to replace it wasn’t going to be pleasant.”河流的一个拐弯处用文学学者布鲁斯·金(Bruce King)的话说,“也许是最后一部现代主义史诗,它把非洲作为象征欧洲普遍秩序崩溃的荒地。”


他的背景通知了Naipaul对全球Dissossessions和异化的看法,这是促成了什么Salman Rushdie.被认定为“立体视觉”的局内人同时也是局外人。Vidiadhar Surajprasad Naipaul于1932年出生在特立尼达的一个乡村小镇Chaguanas,他是印度劳工的第三代后裔。在奴隶制废除后,他作为契约仆从来到特立尼达,在岛上的种植园里寻找工作。奈保尔评论道:“我的背景既非常简单,又非常混乱。””。特立尼达并不严格地属于南美洲,也不严格地属于加勒比地区。它作为一个新世界种植园殖民地发展起来,当我在1932年出生的时候,它有大约40万人口。其中大约15万人是印度人、印度教徒和穆斯林,几乎都是农民出身,几乎都来自恒河平原。”成长的亚洲印度少数black-dominated特立尼达,前英国殖民地,不是加勒比海和南美,半个地球之外的种族和文化家园,导致了奈保尔的全球身份感的压力下通过历史和现代化的力量。奈保尔的父亲赛珀萨德·奈保尔(Seepersad Naipaul)是一名记者和短篇小说作家,他鼓励儿子实现文学抱负。“在相当小的时候,”奈保尔说,“我认为自己是个作家…… because of this overwhelming idea of its nobility as a calling.” In 1938, his family settled in the capital of Port of Spain, and, after attending Queens Royal College, Trinidad’s leading secondary school, Naipaul won a government scholarship to study abroad, which led him to University College, Oxford, in 1950. His time at Oxford was not happy. Missing his home and struggling to fi nd a place in England, Naipaul would later confess that the only reason he did not commit suicide was that the gas meter in the fl at where he was living was too low. After graduating in 1954, Naipaul worked as a writer and editor for the BBC program,加勒比语在那里,他创作了第一部以他在特立尼达的童年为基础的短篇小说米格尔街(1959)。他的第一次出版的工作是小说神秘的按摩师(1957年),关于特立尼达的一个印度教,他们从Masseur进入Pundit和政治家,同时逐渐失去他的社区和他的身份。寻找自主权和持续居住将成为奈维普的第三次新颖和早期杰作的主导主题,比斯瓦斯先生的房子(1961年)是一部悲喜剧式的人生故事,部分取材于奈保尔的父亲。故事讲述了一位特立尼达的印度教徒为了实现拥有自己的房子的梦想而不懈努力,从而重新拥有自己的生活和地位。


比斯瓦斯先生的房子在全球知名度上获得了Naipaul,而致力于关闭他的职业生涯的初始阶段,这些阶段吸引了他在特立尼达培养的回忆和经验。越来越多地,纳米劳动将扩大他的观点,通过广泛的旅行,因为他的写作开始反映了对后殖民世界的全球评估以及他在小说中本地戏剧化的共同丧失和异化感。中间通道(1962),黑暗的地方(1964),印度:一个受伤的文明(1977)是非小说工程,基于他的旅行和观察加勒比地区,非洲和印度的后殖民地情况。奈烈的小说也会与他的旅行保​​持步伐。石头先生和骑士的伴侣(1964年),Naipaul的一篇没有特立尼达设置的小说,是生活在英格兰的加勒比人的故事。在1966年任命在乌干达的Makerere University教学后,奈烈发布模拟人(1967年),搜索伦敦的加勒比海居住的移民,以获得真实性和可用的过去。奈烈的下一步小说,在自由州(1977年)赢得了赌徒奖,是一种创新的混合类型工作,结合了由世界各地的殖民主义和移民的共同主题相关的短小说和旅行叙事。标题Novella与非洲人的环境特别提升了NaiPaul的声誉,作为来自西部自由主义的异国洞穴非洲未来的异国洞察员,以及“第三世界的勇敢和残酷诚实的圣学报”。下列的游击队(1975年),在最近从殖民统治中解放的加勒比岛上,纳米亚罗对非洲环境河流的一个拐弯处。

在20世纪60年代留下了在东非的逗留时,在1965年来到动力的Mobutu Sese Seko的专制统治中,这是一个广泛的1975年访问Zaire,这是他的传记者法国人报告的“机会遇到的Kisangani, his [Naipaul’s] plane had been taken out of service, and he found himself at the airport talking to a young Indian man.” “The hotels were closed because Mobutu was in town,” Naipaul recalled, “and he said come and sleep at my fl at. Everything that happened over the next two days, I used in河流的一个拐弯处。他是一家商店的商人,他的'jeeves'谈了很多关于加拿大的垃圾。他告诉我他的私人生活,有一个女人,带我来看看她的房子。她是一个越南女人;在我的叙述中消失了。我们可以叫他萨利姆。这本书的本质是:这个男人在这里做什么?“Naipaul’s answer to that question would be shaped not just by his field observations but by two essays Naipaul produced based on his Congo experience, “A New King for the Congo: Mobutu and the Nihilism of Africa” and “Conrad’s Darkness,” republished in the essay collection The Return of Eva Perón (1980). Zaire, formerly the Belgian Congo and the setting for Joseph Conrad’s great anti-imperial novella, Heart of Darkness, based on Conrad’s own experiences there as riverboat captain, had overthrown its colonial rule but remained, in Naipaul’s bitter assessment, one of the “dark places on earth.” As Naipaul writes in “A New King for the Congo,” “To Joseph Conrad, Stanleyville—in 1890 the Stanley Falls station—was the heart of darkness. It was there, in Conrad’s story, that Kurtz reigned, the ivory agent degraded from idealism to savager y, taken back to the earliest ages of man, by wilderness, solitude and power, his house surrounded by impaled human heads. Seventy years later, at this bend in the river, something like Conrad’s fantasy came to pass. But the man with ‘the inconceivable mystery of a soul that knew no restraint, no faith, no fear’ was black, and not white; and he had been maddened not by contact with wilderness and primitivism, but with the civilization established by those pioneers who now lie in Mont Ngaliema, above the Kinshasa rap-ids.” Naipaul finds correspondences to Conrad’s anatomy of the hollowness of the colonial venture in the postcolonial reign of Mobutu, depicted as a corrupt and violent sham, an exemplum with strong associations to Nai-paul’s biography and aspirations as a writer. In “Conrad’s Darkness,” Naipaul summarizes:


河流的一个拐弯处重新审视这些康拉德半制造的一个地方,几乎没有隐藏其表面下方的空隙。由于小说开放,叙述者萨利姆将他的一周内部纳入未命名的革命蹂躏的中非国家内部,以接管一个废弃的商店的管理层,在河流的弯道中的弯道中的解决方案中的解决方案在前面的暴力事件中被摧毁独立。“非洲是我的家,”萨利姆观察,“一直是几个世纪的家庭的家。但我们来自东海岸,这取得了差异。海岸不是非洲的。这是阿拉伯印度人 - 波斯 - 葡萄牙人的地方,我们住在那里的人真的是印度洋的人。真正的非洲在我们的背后。。。 . These were also the lands of our ancestors. But we could no longer say that we were Arabians or Indians or Persians, when we compared ourselves with these people, we felt like people of Africa.” A dispossessed, alienated African outsider, Salim decides to leave the coast and his settled Muslim community for a self-made, uncertain future in the interior. “To stay with my community,” Salim acknowledges, “to pretend that I had simply to travel along with them, was to be taken with them to destruction. I could be master of my fate only if I stood alone.”


新的起义是血腥的报复,让萨利姆从非洲推出了伦敦,而不是逃避他发现“旧欧洲也不是新的。这是萎缩和卑鄙和禁止的东西。。。。在伦敦的街道上,我看到了这些人,就像一段距离一样。我看到午夜卖卷烟包的年轻女孩,似乎被监禁在他们的信息亭里,如木偶剧院的木偶。他们被切断了从伟大的城市的生活中脱颖而出,我想知道自己艰苦的生活中的无意义,他们艰难的旅程中的无意义。“在欧洲寻找没有令人满意的地方,萨姆回到探索他的商店,如“外国人”所拥有的所有物业,已被国有化并交给一个无能的非洲的非洲经理。现在在他以前拥有的商店工作,萨利姆开始处理黄金和象牙,尽可能多地赚钱。 Jailed, Salim is released through the intercession of Ferdinand, who has progressed from culturally shocked schoolboy to a government official with authority over the town. Ferdinand convinces Salim that he has no future there and that “we’re going to hell and every man knows this in his bones,” and Salim departs on the steamer with its towed passenger barge carrying a full cargo of the similarly displaced. The closing paragraph is a descent into the darkness and equivalent of Kurtz’s recognition of the “horror” in Conrad’s masterpiece:





