
多年以来,话语分析不是一种明确的“理论”,而是一种实用和经验的方法,用于支持相对较少录制的语言和文化的现场工作(例如,参见Grimes,Longacre,Longacre,Malinowski,Pike)。早期工作的一个领域吸引了一般和人文主义圈子的通知是对故事和叙事的跨文化研究(例如,克劳德·莱维·斯特劳斯(ClaudeLévi-Strauss),Structural Anthropology)。Major concerns later on included the discourse of schooling and education (Sinclair and Coulthard, Stubbs, Widdowson) and, with a sociological turn, the organization of conversation (Sacks, Schegloff, and Jefferson).

这些实用和经验的重点与“理论语言学”促进了一些差异,该差异假设语言和话语之间的二分法(例如,langue相对parole对于Ferdinand de Saussure,“能力”与“绩效”Noam Chomsky)。从理论上的理由上抽象出“语言”的项目从看来是人类现象的文化和社会背景中,尤其是对于像语言学这样的新兴科学,但今天的共识是这个项目是不现实的。在这些上下文中重复语言的理论和方法的压力不断上升,这是话语分析中爆炸性的兴趣,该领域从一开始就隐含或明确地维持语言的统一性,因为结构和事件都是知识和事件,包括知识和行动,包括潜在的系统和过程(Firth,Halliday,Hartmann,Pike)。

In the 1970s, discourse analysis became a convergence point for a number of trends: “text linguistics” on the European continent; “functional” or “systemic linguistics” in Czechoslovakia, Britain, and Australia; “cognitive linguistics,” “critical linguistics,” “ethnography of communication,” ethnomethodology, and the structuralism, poststructuralism, deconstruction, and feminism emanating from France; along with semiotics and cognitive science, both convergence points in their own right. This drift has made it possible, indeed essential, to contemplate discourse from multiple viewpoints: linguistic, philosophical, cognitive, social, anthropological, literary, historical, political, and ideological. Admittedly, essaying to do so makes us keenly aware of how multifarious and complex discourse transactions can be. Our best guarantee that we can ultimately make sense of all this is that they generally succeed in social practice. The task of discourse analysis is to describe the systematic organization and intersubjectivity that enable the success.


“话语”本身的概念已得到相应的扩展。除了是录制的话语序列(Longacre,Pike)或“文本”(Beaugrande and Dressier)的标准名称外,“话语”也可能会一直指定精心制作的复合体,直至确定​​的概念(Hindess and Hirst)或Hirst和Hirst)或社会机构内的整个实践和沟通(例如,米歇尔·福柯,The Archeology of Knowledge;语言,反记忆,练习)。这就是这样的多样性,可以找到两个根本没有重叠的话语分析的“介绍”(请参阅​​Coulthard; MacDonnell)。





3。话语分析应平衡分析与综合观点。The traditional methods of discovering “linguistic units” and “constituents” by segmenting discourse should be more evenly correlated with methods that focus on how discourses are assembled and how the various units or aspects contribute to a constellation of mutual relevance (Beaugrande).

4。话语不是单词和意义的静态,理想化或总和的统一性,而是一种动态的利益,互动,紧张局势,冲突和矛盾的领域。This field in turn reflects the organization of society and its institutions and the roles and power structures inherent therein (Fowler et al., Wodak et al.).


6。话语分析应不断反思其自己的程序。Given the unmanageably large and diverse range of data, each project must be selective and focused and so should declare and justify its motives in terms of epistemological interests. The discourse of science itself should be examined (Gilbert and Mulkay), as should that of specific fields such as anthropology (Geertz).



9。为了掌握其问题和问题,话语分析必须采用涵盖跨学科的观点。In the past, interdisciplinarity has too often been restricted to programmatic statements of intent; we are now filling in the content of such programs with a creditable body of results. Hence, discourse analysis should be, not one more Kuhnian battleground for warring “paradigms,” but a domain for cooperation and integration among alternative paradigms (see Thomas S. Kuhn ).

10。话语分析应与学院内外的机构和团体进行互动,以解决紧急问题和问题。我们不能假设我们当前的方法解决了所有最紧迫的问题。取而代之的是,我们应该定期盘点并使我们的方法适应更多问题,例如政客关于核军备竞赛(Chilton等人)的话语,或在法庭上的法官和被告的话语(Atkinson and Drew,Leodolter)。




1。The traditional philological, formalistic, or New Critical focus on the literary text as language has been complemented by a concern for literary action, interaction, communication, and cognition, though so far (inspired by French scholars such as Foucault) more from a philosophical than a sociological or psychological orientation.



4.传统的统一或“总体化”文学批评的趋势已被扩大文学话语作为一种利益,交战和冲突领域的探究,包括与读者推定的“现实世界”的疏远(Iser)(Iser)(Iser) (看读者反应理论和批评)。

5.学者们揭示了重新统治文学的新意愿,长期以来被隔离为特权保存,在其他话语上方,甚至反对它,在多个社会和意识形态的论述中,在其时代和我们的时代(Fowler; Hayden White; Hayden White;元援助:19世纪欧洲的历史想象力,,,,话语的热带;弗雷德里克·詹姆森,政治无意识)。


7。The fastidious reaching for ultimate, tidy closure of the “meaning” of the literary work has been yielding to an open-ended readiness to engage and reengage the work, notably in J. Hillis Miller’s appropriation of “deconstruction” (“Deconstructing the Deconstructors” in当时和现在的理论)。The individual work itself is viewed as an “intertextual weaving” of other discourses (Geoffrey H. Hartman,保存文字)。







约翰·阿特金森(John Atkinson)和保罗·德鲁(Paul Drew),《法庭上的命令:司法环境中的口头互动组织》(1979年);罗伯特·德·博格兰德(Robert de Beaugrande),《批判性话语:当代文学理论家的调查》(1988年),文本,话语和过程(1980),文本制作(1984);罗伯特·德·博格兰德(Robert de Beaugrande)和沃尔夫冈·德莱德(Wolfgang Dressier),《文本语言学简介》(1981年),“文本和话语研究的新介绍”(即将到来);保罗·奇尔顿(Paul Chilton)编辑,《语言与核武器辩论:《今日努克斯普》(Today)(1985年);马尔科姆·库尔萨德(Malcolm Coulthard),话语分析概论(1985);Teun van Dijk,《新闻报道》(1988年);Teun van Dijk编辑,《话语分析:心理方面》(1986年),话语分析手册(1985);约翰·鲁珀特·菲斯(John Rupert Firth),《语言学论文》,1934- 1951年(1957年);罗杰·福勒(Roger Fowler),作为社会话语的文学:语言批评的实践(1981);Roger Fowler,Robert Hodge,Gunther Kress和Tony Trew,《语言与控制》(1979年); Clifford Geertz, Works and Lives: The Anthropologist as Author (1988); Nigel Gilbert and Michael Mulkay, Opening Pandora’s Box: A Sociological Analysis of Scientists’ Discourse (1984); Joseph Grimes, The Thread of Discourse (1975); Michael Halliday, Introduction to Functional Grammar (1985); Josué V. Harari, ed., Structuralists and Structuralism: A Selected Bibliography of French Contemporary Thought (1971), Textual Strategies: Perspectives in Post-Structuralist Criticism (1979); Peter Hartmann, Theorie der Sprachwissenschaft (1963); Barry Hindess and Paul Hirst, Modes of Production and Social Formation (1977); Wolfgang Iser, Der Akt des Lesens: Theorie ästhetischer Wirkung (1976, The Act of Reading: A Theory of Aesthetic Response, trans. Iser, 1978), Der implizite Leser: Kommunikationsformen des Romans von Bunyan bis Beckett (1972, The Implied Reader: Patterns of Communication in Prose Fiction from Bunyan to Beckett, trans. Iser, 1974); Hans Robert Jauss, Ästhetische Erfahrung und literarische Hermeneutik (1982, Aesthetic Experience and Literary Hermeneutics, trans. Michael Shaw, 1982), Toward an Aesthetic of Reception (1982); William Labov and David Fanshel, Therapeutic Discourse (1977); Ruth Leodolter, Das Sprachverhalten von Angeklagten bei Gericht (1975); Robert Longacre, An Anatomy of Speech Notions (1976), Grammar of Discourse (1983); Diane Macdonnell, Theories of Discourse: An Introduction (1986); Bronislaw Malinowski, “The Problem of Meaning in Primitive Languages,” The Meaning of Meaning (by C. K. Ogden and I. A. Richards, 1923); Colin Martindale, ed., Psychological Approaches to the Study of Literary Narratives (1988); Jacob L. Mey, Whose Language? A Study in Linguistic Pragmatics (1985); Kenneth Lee Pike, Language in Relation to a Unified Theory of the Structure of Human Behavior (1967); Harvey Sacks, Emmanuel Schegloff, and Gail Jefferson, “A Simplest Systematics for the Organization of Turntaking for Conversation,” Language 50 (1974); Siegfried J. Schmidt, Foundations for the Empirical Study of Literature: Components of a Basic Theory (1982); Siegfried J. Schmidt, ed., Aspects of the Empirical Study of Art and Media, special issue, Poetics 18 (1989); John McHardy Sinclair and Malcolm Coulthard, Toward an Analysis of Discourse (1975); Michael Stubbs, Discourse Analysis (1983); Henry Widdowson, Explorations in Applied Linguistics (1979); Ruth Wodak, Language Behavior in Therapy Groups (1986); Ruth Wodak et al., Language, Power, and Ideology (1989).
资料来源:Groden,Michael和Martin Kreiswirth。约翰·霍普金斯文学理论与批评指南。俄罗斯乌克兰比分直播巴尔的摩:约翰·霍普金斯大学出版社,1994年。



