
1816年7月21日,他的同伴玛丽·戈德温(Mary Godwin)(后来嫁给他)和她的同父异母姐姐克莱尔·克莱尔蒙特(Claire Claremont)首先见到欧洲最高山的蒙特·布兰克(Mont Blanc)。景象给他们留下了深刻的印象,以至于玛丽·雪莱(Mary Shelley)设置了她小说的中心场景Frankenstein(1818年),怪物第一次与维克多·弗兰肯斯坦(Victor Frankenstein)面对,在山上的冰川上,她让科学怪人的描述很长。珀西也被景观震惊,他写了一首伟大的浪漫时代的诗(参见Romanticism)回应经验。

小说勃朗峰收益率是其发言人正在向这座山讲话,自发地回应了愿景。当然,这不是真的,但是它也不是完全错误的。Shelley’s immediate response to Mont Blanc (preserved in a letter to the novelist and poet Thomas Love Peacock) was one of awe, not unlike that which he depicts in the poem, and we can see the few weeks that he took to complete it as an attempt to make the awe he felt as poetically palpable as he could.


结果是升华如它所描述的那山。的确,“蒙特·布兰克”可能是崇高的英国诗,立刻是文学或审美经历和自然世界的体验。旨在崇高的诗歌通常是通过对景观(自然崇高)的描述(自然的崇高)进行的,足以足以适合描述的景观(文学崇高)。诗歌和描述的景观之间的匹配似乎很明显。但是对于雪莱来说,这是非常有问题的,因为他对崇高的看法与德国哲学家伊曼纽尔·康德(Immanuel Kant)(他在拉丁语中读过)如此亲密。


正是“ Mont Blanc”探索的这一双重体验。这首诗的字幕名为“写在夏尼尼谷”的山谷中,雪莱派对探索了这座山。然而,这首诗不是从对山的描述开始的,而是对思想与世界之间关系的哲学主张。要理解诗歌中的戏剧性紧张,重要的是要看到第一个节本身并不是关于山的,也不是关于河流的河流,其来源是蒙特·布兰克(Mont Blanc),而是思想本身。但是,当然要说的是,第一个节宣称自己不是关于山的,这意味着从某种意义上说,因为否认总是与被拒绝的东西有关。

无论如何,第一个节所说的是外界,世界的世界things,is essentially inert until it is perceived by the mind. (This is an idea that William Wordsworth partially explores in “Tintern Abbey,” and “Mont Blanc” is in part an explicit response to that poem, especially at lines 37–39.) The universe is always the same, but the perceiving or adverting mind has the power to dissolve the things it perceives into the flow of thought. Thought is therefore a more basic, fluid medium than the physical objects it thinks about, and the flow of the universe through the mind is made possible by the mind’s own fluidity. And yet it may be, the poem almost immediately recognizes, that the mind is, in fact, simply the passive recipient of the universe’s grandeur. The key to the poem is to understand that the thinking mind is imaged in two ways in the opening stanza. It is both the region through which the perceptible universe flows, and it is a tributary stream to the riparian flow of the universe through the mind. If there are two ideas of the mind competing here, there are two versions of what is beyond human thought: the static external universe itself and the dynamic universe which has subjected almost the entire perceptual apparatus of the human mind to its own power, assimilating it to the external world and leaving only the weakest thought available to an independent human soul (“The source of human thought” [l. 5]).

The question, then, is which has priority, the universe or the mind? This question is almost immediately, and significantly, reframed as the question of which has priority—theor the mind? For the universe may be taken to be a weak though grandly named mental abstraction. But the mountain is not abstract: It is concrete and overwhelming, “piercing the infinite sky” of abstraction itself (l. 60). That is to say, its magnitude is such that it is a finitude that overwhelms any abstract concept of the infinite that the human mind might oppose to it. The first reframing of the question suggests that it is the universe that has priority.

The second stanza begins the struggle proper, as we might call it, between mind and mountain. That struggle occurs as Shelley, champion of the mind, attempts to justify one reading of the first stanza, the reading whereby the mountain is a figure—a simile or metaphor—for the structure of the mind. For it is the mind that perceives similes and metaphors: Analogy is a mental operation, not a fact of the outside world. The wordThusthat begins the second stanza of the poem is a word asserting the priority of the mind’s power of analogy to the world analogized; that is to say, Shelley attempts to make the mountain an image of the mind, which would thereby have priority.



最初,这种策略起作用了 - 一切都在做描述的雪莱(Shelley),没有口头崇高。这座山最终通过其宏伟的宏伟而被征募到一个人类的项目中,它过度夸大了一切对人类精神的意义,但批准了道德上一切的一切,在道德自由方面的一切,废除了“大型欺诈和糟糕的守则”(l)(l。81)。山的声音并不是所有人都理解的,但是那些对它的伟大感的人所理解的,因此描述伟大的力量(这首诗的力量做到这一点)就是使山的一部分成为人类意义的一部分。但是,仅仅关于山的宏伟意义的感觉错过了对生活世界的超越漠不关心,在第四节中,这座山对第三座的所有描述无动于衷。即使我们对它的解释可能,它也不会改变。它的力量体现了“在其宁静 /遥远,宁静和无法接近的偏远地区分开”(第92-93页),并蔑视人类权力(第103页)。看来,到这一最崇高的节,与人类匹配山的尝试失败了。


Chernaik, Judith. The Lyrics of Shelley. Cleveland: Press of Case Western Reserve University, 1972.
弗格森,弗朗西斯。“山怎么说。”浪漫主义和语言,由阿登·里德(Arden Reed)编辑,202-214。纽约州伊萨卡:康奈尔大学出版社,1984年。
Hogle, Jerrold E. Shelley’s Process: Radical Transference and the Development of His Major Works. New York: Oxford University Press, 1988.
詹姆斯·A(James A.北卡罗来纳州达勒姆:杜克大学出版社,1949年。




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