
当遇到在人体状况的镜子大厅的人的绝望和孤独时,他的戏剧表达了他自己的无助和孤独的感觉,因仅仅是他自己扭曲的反射 - 谎言而无情地捕获覆盖谎言,幻想幻影幻想,梦魇营养噩梦中的噩梦中的噩梦。 - 马丁埃斯林,“Jean Genet:镜子大厅”荒谬的剧院

让·热内,现代文学的真正革命者之一,是20世纪中期实验戏剧的主导力量。让-保罗·萨特(Jean-Paul Sartre)对热内生平和作品的评价是:poète热内对François维隆、阿瑟·兰波和Lautréamont的法国传统的评价。《圣热内:演员与殉道者》这个存在主义英雄的化身完全接受了他被社会视为罪犯和被社会排斥者的身份,这样做就超越了所有的社会和道德界限。通过热内的观点,边缘化和异化的人占据了舞台的中心,社会最神圣的真理得到了根本的重新评估。作为一个剧作家,“小偷”热内特仍然清晰可见,因为他的戏剧剥夺了观众令人安心的真相。对热内来说,戏剧应该是一种攻击,是为了扰乱和挑衅。在他的戏剧Le Balcon(阳台)他看到它是他最宽阔的世界看法:妓院被称为幻想的幻想之家,因为在外面的暴力革命爆炸时颁布了权力和控制的幻想。戏剧性阐述了真实和想象的,社会和心灵,现实生活和戏剧性之间的所有区别,以便观众别无选择,只能面对定义我们的生活的力量和幻觉的必要性。在基本上,阳台是关于戏剧的戏剧和剧院是人类状况的统治隐喻的方式。

Jean Genet.

热内1910年出生于巴黎,7个月大时被遗弃在公共福利系统,然后由法国莫尔万地区的一名木匠及其家人抚养长大。热内对他的出身一无所知,直到他21岁时拿到出生证明,证明上显示他的母亲卡米尔·加布丽尔·热内(Camille Gabrielle Genet)是一名单身家庭教师(她于1918年去世)。他父亲的名字没有公布。根据萨特的传记记载,热内是一名好学生,也是教堂唱诗班的成员,他偷养母的钱包时被抓,并被称为小偷。考虑到这一指控是不公正的,热内特对此感到自豪,并认真地成为了一名小偷。萨特认为这是一个决定性的存在主义决定。热内特自己分析了他的发展,他说:“我被家人抛弃了,我发现很自然地,因为男性的爱,因为偷窃的爱,因为犯罪的偷窃,或者与犯罪同谋。”因此,我断然否定了一个曾否定我的世界。”十几岁时,热内被关在梅特雷的惩教所,1929年为了提前获释,他参军了。1936年,在叙利亚、摩洛哥和阿尔及利亚服役后,他弃军而去,在意大利、南斯拉夫、奥地利、捷克斯洛伐克、波兰、纳粹德国和比利时流浪,以男妓、皮条客、走私犯和小偷的身份生存下来。 Returning to France in 1937 he spent the next seven years in and out of prisons, where he began to write. Reading the “idiotic and self-pitying” poems of a fellow convict, Genet “declared that I was able to make poems just as good. They dared me and I wrote theCondamne一莫特,这是一首纪念因谋杀罪被处决的罪犯的挽歌。这是一首有力的抒情诗,结合了热内特有的对传统道德的颠覆和对肮脏和亵渎的神圣化。这首诗由热内公费出版,引起了让·谷克多的注意,他成为热内的第一位文学导师,并成为热内的倡导者。随后的四部叙事作品Notre Dame des fils(1943);我们的鲜花女士),玫瑰奇迹(1946);玫瑰的奇迹),弥漫浮游生(1947年;葬礼仪式), 和Querelle·德·布雷斯特(1947年;Querelle的布雷斯特) - 所有发布的秘密和限量版。他们已被学者是由Scholar Martin Esslin描述为“囚犯的色情幻想,这是一个孤独的社会的孤独抛弃的白日梦,他被决定辜负他所感受到社会的模式已经强加对他”和“抒情美女的好奇混合物和最肮脏的主题。“除了杜瓦尔杂志杂志(1949年;小偷的杂志),他的小说回忆录,热内几乎全部集中在戏剧在他的职业生涯的剩余部分。他于1986年去世。

热内的第一部舞台作品是高级监测(临终看护),开始于1943年,于1947年出版,并于1949年首次演出。该剧以监狱牢房为背景,基于罪犯的罪行和他们对揭示其身份和完整性的核心真相的接受(或拒绝),探索了罪犯之间扭曲的等级制度。热内的第一部戏剧,莱斯有好的(的女佣),1947年,基于她的女仆的实际谋杀上课上课。在Genet的待遇中,两个姐妹们承担了虐待狂雇主的角色,并使女仆颁发仪式的权力和控制的仪式幻想。当他们试图杀死他们真正的情妇失败时,姐妹们必须通过杀死她的形象来满足自己,而且戏剧结束了一个妹妹,假设情妇的作用,为她的实际雇主喝中毒茶。随着Genet Giographer Edmund White评论,“的女佣代表了现代剧院的真正出发:对仪式,崇高的语言的新兴趣,以及可能或可能无法忍受面纱的政治斗争的心理暴力的写照。“的女佣展示了Genet超越了他之前作品的监狱背景,并在社会角色的虚幻本质以及幻想和现实之间的关系的背景下扩展了他对性和权力的探索。

热内对这些主题最具雄心的论述是他的第三部戏剧,阳台,1956年首次出版,1957年在伦敦首次演出。在戏剧的开头,一名男子穿着主教的宗教礼服向一名身穿蕾丝晨衣的“忏悔者”和另一名女子演讲。房间的décor让人想起了一个圣器收藏室,尽管一面镜子映照着一张未整理的床和一把摆放着裤子、衬衫和夹克的扶手椅。观众逐渐意识到这个女人是厄玛夫人,大阳台的老板娘,一个迎合顾客各种幻想的妓院;忏悔者是她的一个妓女;主教是煤气工人。厄玛夫人的“幻想之家”提供了场景、家具、服装、演员,让她的顾客在他们渴望的权力场景中享受性满足。另外三个场景在其他房间上演。一名法官匍匐着向一个半裸的女人爬去,后者指示他舔她伸出的脚。在他们旁边,一个名叫亚瑟的妓院男雇员打扮成刽子手,执行法官对“小偷”的判决。 In another room a client playing a general rides his horse, played by a woman in black corset and stockings. In another room a client acts out his fantasy as a tramp, studying his reflection in three mirrors and completing the illusion by donning a wig with fleas. In all the scenarios images of power are enacted with an emphasis on the externals—costume, makeup, setting—that create the illusion of authority and command. Genet stressed that his play was not a satire but the “glorification of the Image and the Reflection.” According to the playwright, authority derives from externals wielded by those in power and the complicity of those without. The play shows, in Genet’s words, that “power cannot do without theatricality. . . . Power shelters behind some kind of theatricality, whether it is in China, the Soviet Union, England or France. . . . There is only one place in the world where theatricality does not hide power and that is in the theater.” Theatricality as the essence of power is the basis for Madame Irma’s establishment, as she clarifies in the play’s fifth scene in which she discusses her operation with one of her employees, Carmen. Justifying her elaborate staging of her customer’s fantasies, Irma explains:

他们都希望一切都尽可能真实. . . .减去一些无法定义的东西,所以它不是真的. . . .卡门,是我决定把我的公司称为幻想之家的,但我只是经理。每个人,当他按铃和进入,提出自己的方案,完美地考虑。我的工作只是租用大厅,布置道具和演员。亲爱的,我已经把它从地上搬起来了——你明白我的意思吗?我很久以前就打开了它,它在飞。我切断了系泊处。

Breaking the illusion that Madame Irma assiduously labors to create are sounds of machine-gun fire and explosions signaling the revolution that is taking place outside, threatening both the operation of the Grand Balcony and the authority figures who play such a prominent role in the customers’ fantasies. The importance of those fantasies are underscored by Irma’s lover, the Chief of Police, who arrives to inquire whether anyone has requested to play him, the confirmation of his secure hold on power in the public’s imagination. Irma disappoints him with the news that “your function isn’t noble enough to offer dreamers an image that would console them. . . . You have to resign yourself to the fact that your image does not yet conform to the liturgies of the brothel.”

这部剧本的第六场景,唯一一个发生在大阳台之外的唯一一个,展示了挑战执政权力人物的革命者,从而打破了公民的心灵持有。然而,即使他们无法在没有自己的替代力的电力图像的情况下继续。Roger是一个叛乱领导者,被展示与他的情人,陈列,Irma的一个留下的一个留言,因为她不再能够在玩分配的角色并且想要生活在所谓的现实中。然而,革命者声称,他们的原因是代表自由,自我牺牲和英雄主义的象征所需要的。在幻觉中扮演了她的零件,少女被提供,而不是她渴望的现实。而不是推翻强迫和压制革命者的权力的象征只是用其他图像替换它们同样虚幻的图像。幼犬接受了她的新角色,因为这样做,她不仅必须放弃她的情人,而且也是如此。“为了反对图像,”Roger苦涩地意识到“,Chantal已经冻结到图像中。该战斗不再发生在现实中,而是在一个封闭的领域。。 . . It’s the combat of allegories. None of us know any longer why we revolted.” The unbreakable hold of images on the populace is made clear when, after the palace has been blown up and the queen and her administration have perished, a surviving Court Envoy, to halt the revolution, requests that Madame Irma take on the role of the queen herself and her customers should play their roles as bishop, judge, and general in “reality” to reassure the populace that the symbols of authority and power remain intact. On the balcony Irma and her clients, appropriately attired, show themselves to the crowd. After a Beggar shouts, “God Save the Queen,” Chantal appears on the balcony and is shot dead, signaling the defeat of the revolution.

在剧本的最后场景中,所有撤退在大阳台内,回顾他们所扮演的零件,实际成为他们假装的人的挑战。警方主任确信,现在他的胜利对革命者来说,有人希望冒充他。协助他有一个建造的巨型陵墓。“我希望我的形象成为传奇和至高无上的”,“他断言。“我被建议以巨大的阴茎形式出现。”通过完成大阳台依赖的性别和权力之间的联系,警察主任不会是“在镜子中的百万反思 - 横向反射,而是唯一的,才能达到一十万想要合并。“当IRMA宣布Roger已经到达并要求冒充警察主任时,他的预测就实现了他的预测。罗杰·罗杰的统一,罗杰继续赋予赋权的情景,宣称“我有权领导我选择的角色,我选择了他命运的极限。。 . no, of mine . . . of merging his destiny with mine.” In a gesture both of violation and self-sacrifice, Roger subverts the expected scenario by castrating himself. The Chief of Police, watching the enactment, is, however, delighted by what he sees: “Well played. He thought he had me. . . . Though my image be castrated in every brothel in the world, I remain intact.” Rather than destroying the Chief of Police’s power and authority Roger has secured them by his action, a martyr to authority’s total control. The Chief of Police then descends into the tomb he has constructed claiming, “I’ve won the right to go and sit and wait for two thousand years. You! Watch me live and die. For posterity. . . . I’ve won!” The play closes with a burst of machine-gun fire suggesting that the revolution has recommenced and the cycle of order and disorder has resumed. Madame Irma is left alone readying her establishment for the next day’s business. “In a little while,” she says, “I’ll have to start all over again . . . put all the lights on again. . . . Dress up . . . ah, the disguises! Distribute roles again . . . assume my own.” She then addresses the audience directly: “You must now go home, where everything—you can be quite sure—will be falser than here. . . . You must go now. You’ll leave by the right, through the alley. . . . It’s morning already.”


来源:Daniel S. Burt戏剧100 A有史以来最伟大的戏剧排名



