

由Tzvetan Todorov和Roland Barthes表示,结构主义叙事学说明了故事的意义如何从其整体结构(朗格)而不是来自每个故事的孤立主题(假释)。根据亚里士多德的说法,所有叙述都纵向发展,从开始到......阅读更多 >


俄罗斯形式的“诈骗性”的概念,由viktor shklovsky在他的艺术中提出的作为技术,是指语言被用来这样一种普通和熟悉的物体看起来不同的文学装置。这是…阅读更多 >


The seminal manifestos of the New Criticism was proclaimed by John Crowe Ransom (1888–1974), who published a series of essays entitled The New Criticism (1941) and an influential essay, “Criticism, Inc.,” published in The World’s Body (1938). This essay succinctly expresses a…阅读更多 >


新批评者试图巩固文献的研究,并开发一种以文本本身的严格研究为中心的方法。Thus it was distinctively formalist in character, focusing on the textual aspects of the text such as rhythm, metre, imagery and metaphor, by the method of close reading, as against reading that on the basis of external evidences such as the history, author’s biography or the socio-political/cultural conditions of the text’s production. Although the New Critics were against Coleridge’s Impressionistic Criticism, they seem to have inherited his concept of the poem as a unified organic whole which reconciles its internal conflicts and achieves a fine balance.